I really LOVE go to concerts.
Sometimes, when I haven`t gone to a concert in many time, I feel the necessity to go. I NEED IT.
The music completes me.
Before came here, I search in Internet which groups/bands will came to Toronto to play, and I found good ones. I couldn't go to every concert that I would liked go, but I went to some concerts..
First, LMFAO. I was so excited when I knew that they will came. Unfortunately, just one went to sing (the other one, was sick) but was the guy I liked. Goods songs and many ZEBRA in the stage! It was really nice! I don´t know in how many time they will go to Chile, so it was a good opportunity too see them in live.
Then I have the opportunity to go to see J.LO . Im no so fan of her, but I liked her music and I thought the staging it will be good... And it was REALLY good ! Until now, I think this concert is in my top 3 of concerts (Im not sure what position). She sing and dance incredible!! The staging it was perfect! And she is really nice with the public (is not so diva like others singers). The same day, Enrique Iglesias played too, but I dont like him. I think he dont sing very well. All the womans scream for him, but its because he pretend be "so sexy" and for me, its just act. And I was impact, because he close the performances, no J.LO..But, okay...

Then, was the COLDPLAY's turn. There really wasn´t in my plan. I like their music, but I´m not fan (I think, now, after see them, Im more fan). The performance was really nice! The scenery was with a mix of strong and fluor colours. And the singer jumped and run for the stage like a kid. I really enjoyed. And he sing fantastic. His voice is amazing. Also, something I really like was the bracelets that the production give us when we entered. We didnt know, but the bracelets had a light inside and in some songs, the lights started to flicker. The production controlled the lights, no us. I think this was the best! You can see all the public with differents colours. It was really awesome !!
Also, I had the opportunitty to see FREE music in the "Much Music Video Awards" with artists like Katy Perry, Justin Biever, Kelly Clarkson and more.. I couldnt see very good, because it was really crowded ( free things = many people) but luckily, I could listen good live music =)
So, if you enjoy the "live music" like me, Toronto have many offers to give you, FOR SURE! ;)