lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

Friends (1) : My First Partner here

I said before, but I came here with other friend from chile (she arrived before than me, but we hang out together in the most of the times). I know, without her, everything would have been more difficult for me.

But a little time before arrived in Toronto, I met another friend: Nadia.

Time before arrive in Toronto, I posted in Facebook searching friends to go different concerts, and she answered me . Inmediatley we did good relation. When I arrived here, marce and me went to one party. In this party, Nadia recognize me, and after this day, we went out to walk for the city…

The time past and now we are very near friends. This type of friend when you can talk anything you want…She is from Peru, so we are not sooo far in the world. But live in differents countries and have the same relation, its difficult. I know it will be hard for us, but I hope everything continue good..We have work to do. The modernity life and facebook can permit maintain relations..So, i hope this friendship (like others I did and I will talk after) will grow up and not decline.


domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

Prices and Tips

Some people may find cheap Canada. Some people may find expensive. For me, depend of what we are talking about. And of course, everything will depend of where are you from. In my case, I have to compare with my country, Chile.

Talking about clothes, I think Canada is cheaper. Some things you can find for the same price. But if we talk about brand clothes, the price is 30% cheaper (and sometimes, more)
Buuuut, if you compare things like: transportation, drinks (alcohol), food, beauty... OMG the prices are really expensive for me... For example, in Chile one ice cream can cost 1-2 dollars. In canada the prices are from 3....and you have to add the taxes in the end..


TAXES!!...This is the worst part. You can see the total price just when you pay. In the mosts of places (for no say, ALL places) you see the price without taxes, so many times you can be confused because you think the think is cheaper, but its not =/

Other thing you have to know is about TIPS. In Chile the system is similar. If you go to a restaurant, we add a 10% of the bill for tips... Is not mandatory, but is what you usually done.
Here is a little more: 15%. But there are a different. If you go a restaurant with many people, the tip is includde in the end of the bill. So, you dont have the option to pay less.. I learn this just 2 month after arrive in Canada.. And I think is good to know before ;)

viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

Things you have to DO (1) : Go to see a hockey game

The first time that someone told me: Do you wanna go to see a Hockey Game? I though...Mmmm, I dont know anything about hockey...maybe it will be boring...But OMG! I was wrong...
It was a such good game !!!

Before the game started

The thing is that: You go thinking that "its just a game", but its not. Between the times, a lot of activities happened. The people dance, sing, play, and of course SCREAM! Its really exciting ! I enjoyed too much! 
If you go there, you will notice why the canadians are so fan of the Hockey!

And, of course, if you go, you will have to scream " LETS GO MARLIES " and move the "little towel".

 Free Memory =)

Places you have to know (1) : HarbourFront !

Canada have many beautiful places that you have to know, but one particular place that I really like is HarbourFront.
The view is amazing. So, you can go and relax on the grass, read a book, talk with friends, or anything you want, looking the beautiful lake Ontario.

Also, this place have many activities all year: free concerts, events, food and more... So, if you are boring, you can go there and discover "what´s going on". Or, something easier, see this website:


In this place, you can take a Ferry to go to Toronto Island, another good place for go and relax, but I will talk about this place in a different post ;)

martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

ILAC and My First Class

Before came here, I had different options to choose an school to learn English. One was cheaper, and the other was more expensive. I choosed ILAC, with an intermediate price because when I saw the Brochure, I saw that they do many activities and I noticed the people is very friendly (and is true). 

I arrived in Toronto one Friday, but I started my class on Monday. 
This day was the test day. With this test you can know in what level you start to study English. And I started in Intermediate Level.

I cant remember all my feelings on the first day. I think I was a little afraid for to know my classmates and my teacher.. Im shy, but i tried to made conversations with the people there.. 
In the class it was people from Japan, Korea, China, Brazil, Colombia, Eslovaquia and Saudi Arabia. Many different cultures, languages, experiences..

I loved my teacher. She's the same age than me, 24, but she can do something than for me is very difficult: teach! She was so kind. The classes were very funny, with many different activities. 
Unfortunately, she changed her job, and I hadnt seen since the last lunch we had together.

But I have nothing bad to say. I really enjoyed my month with her and my classmates. 


viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

My First Day

After travel more than 20 hours (because my flight had 2 conexions) i arrived in Toronto.
I was so tired and a little nervious for to know my homestay. But in the same time, i was excited.

When I arrived in the house, Michelle, the owner, explained to me all the rules of the house.
One of the things I found rare, was the rule of "remove your shoes" before enter to the house.
I had never done this in my house. I remove my shoes just when i go to my room. But it was okey for me. And time later, I noticed that most of the houses had the same rule.

After this, I took a long NAP. I needed it!
When I woke up, I went to met with my friend from Chile: Marce. She came here 1 month before than me. So I already knew: "I will not be alone here". I think because of that, I never felt desperate on my first day.
But before to see Marce, i had to go to buy the TOKENS to use the transportation (Bus and Subway)

Here, in Canada, there is an organized way to use the transports. You can buy:
- Tokens --> Like coins (see the picture) to use only one time.
- Weekly Pass --> You can use the Subway and Bus from Monday to Sunday whenever you want.
- Montlhy Pass --> You can use the Subway and Bus all month whenever you want.

And because I arrived on Friday, my cheaper option was buy Tokens ;)


Anyway, as I was saying... I met with Marce. I hadnt' seen since 1 month. It was good =) We walked by Yonge Street to Dundas Square. I was so happy and excited. I loved the city.
We went to Eaton Center (a known mall) to do a contract with a telephone company. I needed to put internet to my iPhone (yes, I'm a little addicted, i know) . So, just after put Internet to my cellphone, I felt completed. =)

Marce told me the plan for the nigh: Go to Mana (latin place) .
And I went. I was tired, but I went.
I met her friends. Nice people. We drank Beers, Tequila and Rum ... And yes, in the end of the night, i was drunk jaja, but it was good =)

This story, just beginning...

My feelings before came here

I was afraid. Really afraid. In many aspects...

First, with the travel by airplane and all the thing I had to do in the airport.
I hate travel by airplane.I know that is easier to be in an car accident than in an airplane accident. But I don't like. I'm afraid.
Also, I had never traveled alone. It was my first time. And my english was very basic.
"¿What will I say in the airport?" "¿How can I do with the time to do the conexions? ¿Is enough time?" "I have conexions, so ¿What happen with my suitcases?" ....blablabla...Of course, many questions more.. Stupid questions, stupid fears.

But everything was good. I had any problems. It was just fear.

In another aspect, I was scared to miss too much. My friends, my family, my things.
It's my first time travelling more than 2 weeks without my parents, without friends..
In many times, I thought: "¿Can I do it?"
And now I can say: YES, I COULD. And you too.

Came here it was one of my goals. And I did. And I would like do it again.

Believe in yourself. No More.

Introduce Yourself

Hi! I'm Daniela. But I prefer when people call me "Dani".
I'm from Chile. So, I speak Spanish.
I'm 23 years old. Young, I know.
In March of this year I finished my career. Yes, I have a Degree in Business with a Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. But I dont' have job (yet) . I have to find one when I come back to Chile.
I love the music. I love take pictures. I love chocolate. And I love when the people make me laugh.

Now, I'm studying English in Canada. Is important for my future.
But, living here, I realised that came here was a secondary thing.
I came here to learn. About my life, about your life. I came to find myself. 
I came to open my mind, my eyes.
I came to know new persons , new cultures , new languages . New Friends.

Until now, this experience has been incredible.
I regret haven't started to write from the beginning about my experience here.
But I will write now as if it were yesterday.
I will write here about My Life in Canada, in Toronto.